Key Info
Budget Confidential
Year 2021
Size 60 sqm
Client Private
Status Completed
Location Dubai
Type Interior
Partner None

Funcionality and high-end design

This man cave apartment located in the bustling Burj Khalifa is a luxurious retreat designed to to optimize the space. The apartment renovation involved a diligent material selection and the utmost attention to detail. The natural and earthy color tones in the design give the space a Zen-like feel. Whereas the dark walnut wood provides the perfect contrast with the luxurious bronze plates.


Right in the center of the living area is a disguised entertainment unit that swiftly opens up as a bar. This enigmatic apartment design is an ideal space to rejuvenate during the weekends. 

"We have combined funcionality and high-end design to achieve the perfect enviroment for a unique lifestyle"